Unlimited Categories
Unlimited Items
Stock System per Item
Purchase Limit per Item
Fully Customizable menus
PlaceholderAPI Support
HEX Color Support
/expshop - Open the Main EXP Shop Category, a category that has default: true will be the one opened.
/expshop reload - Reloads the whole plugin - Permission: rivalexpshop.reload
/expshop setstock {categoryID} {itemID} {stockNumber} - Modify current stock of specific item - Permission: rivalexpshop.admin
/expshop setlimit {playerName} {categoryID} {itemID} {limitNumber} - Modify current limit of specific item for a specific player - Permission: rivalexpshop.admin
%rivalexpshop_exp% - Shows raw exp amount
%rivalexpshop_exp_formatted_decimal% - Shows exp amount with decimal points
%rivalexpshop_exp_formatted_normal% - Shows exp amount formatted as 1k, 1M, 1B etc
Dated Categories
You have the capability to set a predetermined date for unlocking categories.
Date Format: yyyy-MM-dd h:mm:ss a
Under options: add
In item lore you can use the {time} and {until} placeholders to display the time till the category gets unlocked
Rotating Shops
Within all categories, you have the option to cycle items, allowing for a dynamic display. Additionally, you can mix both standard and rotating items within a single category.
Under options: add
In item lore you can use the {next-update} placeholder to display the time till next rotation of the category
For a item to become a rotating item it needs a chance: part added in the items settings under it's price:
Stock System
This system enables you to establish and maintain a stock of various items, granting you the ability to set specific quantity limits for individual items.
Limit System
This system empowers you to create and manage an inventory of diverse items, affording you the option to impose particular purchase limits for individual items, thereby controlling the quantity a player can acquire.
Last updated