GUI:Main-Menu:Inventory:size:27name:'&8&nPets'display-slots: - 11 - 12 - 13 - 14 - 15custom-items:'1':material:BLACK_STAINED_GLASS_PANEname:'&7'slot:0-26upgrades:enabled:trueslot:0fusion:enabled:trueslot:9bin:enabled:trueslot:18items:slot-locked:material:BARRIERname:'&4&l[!] &cLocked Slot'lore: - '&7&oYou need more pet slots' - '&cThis slot is locked'slot-unlocked:material:LIME_STAINED_GLASS_PANEname:'&2&l[!] &aUnlocked Slot'lore: - '&7&oA new slot ready for your pet!' - '&a&oThis slot is unlocked.'upgrades:material:EXPERIENCE_BOTTLEname:'&2&l[!] &a&lPet &2&lUpgrades'lore: - '&7&oUnleash the potential within!' - '&a&oEnhance your pet''s abilities!' - '' - '&eClick to unveil upgrades!'fusion:material:BEACONname:'&3&l[!] &b&lPet &3&lFusion'lore: - '&7&oHarness the power of fusion!' - '&b&oUnite pets for higher tiers!' - '' - '&eClick to explore fusion options!'bin:material:HONEYCOMBname:'&6&l[!] &e&lPet &6&lBin'lore: - '&7&oBid farewell to your companions.' - '&e&oDispose of unwanted pets for candy!' - '' - '&eClick to open pets bin!'current-page:slot:22material:CLOCKname:'&e&lInformation'lore: - '&7View the max amount of pets' - '&7you can have Equipped' - '' - ' &6┣ &eEquipped: &f{equipped} &8/ &f{equipped-max} ' - '' - '&e&lINCREASE' - '&6You can purchase extra slots on ' - '&6our store,'Main-Menu:Virtual:size:54name:'&8&nPets'display-slots: - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6custom-items:'1':material:LIGHT_GRAY_STAINED_GLASS_PANEname:'&7'slot:0-53'2':material:BLACK_STAINED_GLASS_PANEname:'&7'slot:0-8'3':material:BLACK_STAINED_GLASS_PANEname:'&7'slot:45-53sort-settings:enabled:trueslot:53upgrades:enabled:trueslot:45fusion:enabled:trueslot:46enhancements:enabled:trueslot:0boosts:enabled:trueslot:8mastery:enabled:trueslot:7bin:enabled:trueslot:47delete:enabled:trueslot:52delete-bulk:enabled:trueslot:51items:delete-select-pet:material:RED_DYEglow:truedelete-bulk:material:REDSTONEname:'&c&lBulk &4&lDelete'lore: - '&7&oDispose of pets permanently by tier.' - '' - '&6&oClick to open delete menu.'delete-confirm:sound:BLAZE_HIT:1:5material:RED_DYEname:'&4&lConfirm &c&lDelete'lore: - '&7&oDispose of pets permanently.' - '&7&oSelect pets and confirm' - '' - '&6&oClick to delete selected pets.'delete:sound:'ANVIL_LAND:1:1'material:GLOWSTONE_DUSTname:'&e&lDelete &6&lPets'lore: - '&7&oDispose of pets permanently.' - '' - '&6&oClick to enter delete mode.'upgrades:material:EXPERIENCE_BOTTLEname:'&2&l[!] &a&lPet &2&lUpgrades'lore: - '&7&oUnleash the potential within!' - '&a&oEnhance your pet''s abilities!' - '' - '&eClick to unveil upgrades!'enhancements:material:EMERALDname:'&2&l[!] &a&lPet &2&lEnhancements'lore: - '&7&oUnlock hidden potential within your pet.' - '&a&oEmpower your companion with new abilities.' - '' - '&eClick to unveil enhancements!'mastery:material:NETHER_STARname:'&2&l[!] &a&lPet &2&lMastery'lore: - '&7&oUnlock hidden potential within your pet.' - '&a&oEmpower your companion with new buffs.' - '' - '&eClick to unveil pet mastery!'boosts:material:ENDER_EYEname:'&2&l[!] &a&lPet &2&lBoosts'lore: - '&7&oUnlock hidden potential within your pet.' - '&a&oEmpower your pet with 3 different type of buff boosts.' - '' - '&eClick to unveil boosts!'fusion:material:BEACONname:'&3&l[!] &b&lPet &3&lFusion'lore: - '&7&oHarness the power of fusion!' - '&b&oUnite pets for higher tiers!' - '' - '&eClick to explore fusion options!'bin:material:HONEYCOMBname:'&6&l[!] &e&lPet &6&lBin'lore: - '&7&oBid farewell to your companions.' - '&e&oDispose of unwanted pets for candy!' - '' - '&eClick to open pets bin!'sort-level:sound:BLAZE_HIT:1:5material:REDSTONEname:'&4&l[!] &c&lSorting &4&lMode'lore: - '&7&oAdjust how your pets are organized.' - '' - '&4&lCurrent Mode:' - '&2➥ &aBy Level' - '&4➥ &cBy Name' - '&4➥ &cBy Tier' - '&4➥ &cBy Last Usage' - '' - '&e&oClick to change sorting mode.'sort-name:sound:BLAZE_HIT:1:5material:REDSTONEname:'&4&l[!] &c&lSorting &4&lMode'lore: - '&7&oAdjust how your pets are organized.' - '' - '&4&lCurrent Mode:' - '&4➥ &cBy Level' - '&2➥ &aBy Name' - '&4➥ &cBy Tier' - '&4➥ &cBy Last Usage' - '' - '&e&oClick to change sorting mode.'sort-tier:sound:BLAZE_HIT:1:5material:REDSTONEname:'&4&l[!] &c&lSorting &4&lMode'lore: - '&7&oAdjust how your pets are organized.' - '' - '&4&lCurrent Mode:' - '&4➥ &cBy Level' - '&4➥ &cBy Name' - '&2➥ &aBy Tier' - '&4➥ &cBy Last Usage' - '' - '&e&oClick to change sorting mode.'sort-usage:sound:BLAZE_HIT:1:5material:REDSTONEname:'&4&l[!] &c&lSorting &4&lMode'lore: - '&7&oAdjust how your pets are organized.' - '' - '&4&lCurrent Mode:' - '&4➥ &cBy Level' - '&4➥ &cBy Name' - '&4➥ &cBy Tier' - '&2➥ &aBy Last Usage' - '' - '&e&oClick to change sorting mode.'same-type:material:BARRIERname:'&4&l[!] &cSame Type'lore: - '' - '&7&oYou can''t equip pets of the same type'no-slots:material:BARRIERname:'&4&l[!] &cNo Pet Slots'lore: - '' - '&7&oYou need more pet slots to activate this pet. &7({current}/{max})'on-cooldown:material:BARRIERname:'&4&l[!] &cOn Cooldown'lore: - '' - '&7&oThis pet is on cooldown for another &f{time}'max-pets:material:BARRIERname:'&4&l[!] &cMax Pets'lore: - '' - '&7&oYou have the max amount of pets equipped'slot-locked:material:BARRIERname:'&4&l[!] &cLocked Slot'lore: - '&7&oYou need more pet slots' - '&cThis slot is locked'slot-unlocked:material:LIME_STAINED_GLASS_PANEname:'&2&l[!] &aUnlocked Slot'lore: - '&7&oA new slot ready for your pet!' - '&a&oThis slot is unlocked.'next-page:slot:50sound:LEVEL_UP:1:2material:TIPPED_ARROWflags:HIDE_ATTRIBUTES:trueHIDE_POTION_EFFECTS:truepotion:type:LUCKextended:falseupgraded:falsename:'&a&lNext Page &2&l-->'lore: - '&7&oNavigate to the next page.' - '&a&oClick to move forward.'last-page:slot:48sound:LEVEL_UP:1:2material:TIPPED_ARROWflags:HIDE_ATTRIBUTES:trueHIDE_POTION_EFFECTS:truepotion:type:INSTANT_HEALextended:falseupgraded:truename:'&4&l<-- &c&lPrevious Page'lore: - '&7&oReturn to the previous page.' - '&c&oClick to move backward.'current-page:slot:49material:CLOCKname:'&e&lInformation &6[Page #{page}&e/&6#{max}]'lore: - '&7View the max amount of pets' - '&7you can have in your storage' - '' - ' &6┣ &eEquipped: &f{equipped} &8/ &f{equipped-max} ' - ' &6┣ &eStorage: &f{storage} &8/ &f{storage-max} ' - '' - '&e&lINCREASE' - '&6You can purchase extra storage or slots on ' - '&6our store,'no-page:material:BARRIERname:'&4&l[!] &cNo Page'lore: - '' - '&7&oNo page found'Pet-Boosts-Menu:size:36name:'&8&nPet Boosts'slot-buff:12slot-level:13slot-experience:14custom-items:purchase-1:slot:27sound:LEVEL_UP:1:2placeholder:'%rivalcredits_balance%'cost:200commands: - credits remove {player} {amount} - specialboostticket give {player} 1material:ENCHANTED_BOOKname:'&5&lSpecial Boost Tickets'lore: - '&7&oPurchase Special Boost Tickets using Credits' - '&6* &ePrice: &b200 Credits' - '&c' - '&a&lCLICK TO PURCHASE'purchase-2:slot:28amount:4sound:LEVEL_UP:1:2placeholder:'%rivalcredits_balance%'cost:800commands: - credits remove {player} {amount} - specialboostticket give {player} 4material:ENCHANTED_BOOKname:'&5&lSpecial Boost Tickets'lore: - '&7&oPurchase Special Boost Tickets using Credits' - '&6* &ePrice: &b800 Credits' - '&c' - '&a&lCLICK TO PURCHASE'purchase-3:slot:29amount:8sound:LEVEL_UP:1:2placeholder:'%rivalcredits_balance%'cost:1600commands: - credits remove {player} {amount} - specialboostticket give {player} 8material:ENCHANTED_BOOKname:'&5&lSpecial Boost Tickets'lore: - '&7&oPurchase Special Boost Tickets using Credits' - '&6* &ePrice: &b1600 Credits' - '&c' - '&a&lCLICK TO PURCHASE''1':material:BLACK_STAINED_GLASS_PANEname:'&7'slot:0-26'2':material:BLACK_STAINED_GLASS_PANEname:'&7'slot:30-32purchase-4:slot:33sound:LEVEL_UP:1:2placeholder:'%rivalcredits_balance%'cost:100commands: - credits remove {player} {amount} - boostticket give {player} 1material:PAPERname:'&b&lBoost Tickets'lore: - '&7&oPurchase Boost Tickets using Credits' - '&6* &ePrice: &b100 Credits' - '&c' - '&a&lCLICK TO PURCHASE'purchase-5:slot:34amount:4sound:LEVEL_UP:1:2placeholder:'%rivalcredits_balance%'cost:400commands: - credits remove {player} {amount} - boostticket give {player} 4material:PAPERname:'&b&lBoost Tickets'lore: - '&7&oPurchase Boost Tickets using Credits' - '&6* &ePrice: &b400 Credits' - '&c' - '&a&lCLICK TO PURCHASE'purchase-6:slot:35amount:8sound:LEVEL_UP:1:2placeholder:'%rivalcredits_balance%'cost:800commands: - credits remove {player} {amount} - boostticket give {player} 8material:PAPERname:'&b&lBoost Tickets'lore: - '&7&oPurchase Boost Tickets using Credits' - '&6* &ePrice: &b800 Credits' - '&c' - '&a&lCLICK TO PURCHASE'items:not-enough:material:BARRIERsound:BLAZE_HIT:1:2name:'&4&lNo Credits'lore: - '&c&oYou do not have enough credits to purchase this.' - '&c'display-buff:sound:BLAZE_HIT:1:2material:PLAYER_HEAD base64: eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvZWI4YzM5YmIzOTk3MGQzZDYwYWE1YTM1YWRlZmExZGJlNDg5NDczYmI5NGM1ZWMzMmI3NzI0NjFkZmU3YmI5NCJ9fX0=
name:'󏧇&lBuff Boost'lore: - '' - '&7&o{boost_buff}' - ''display-level:sound:BLAZE_HIT:1:2material:PLAYER_HEAD base64: eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzAyZjhhYmVhNTM2NzJkMDYzYTJmYWJjMmFkMjFmMWIzMWUxZDMyMzVhYzRlOWJjZTM2N2YzMTQ1YWYzNmQ3NiJ9fX0=
name:'ϓe06&lLevel Boost'lore: - '' - '&7&o{boost_level}' - ''display-experience:sound:BLAZE_HIT:1:2material:PLAYER_HEAD base64: eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNjdjMDBhMTY0ZjNlNzllZDE5MGY3Y2IxNmMyNGU4MmExZTg3YTQ4YzY5NDA0MDI4NzhkNWQ2MmM1YzAyYjMyMyJ9fX0=
name:'Df9e&lExperience Boost'lore: - '' - '&7&o{boost_experience}' - ''selecting:sound:BLAZE_HIT:1:2material:GRAY_DYEname:'&c&lSelecting....'lore: - '&7&oPlease wait...'no-pet-selected:sound:BLAZE_HIT:1:2material:GRAY_DYEname:'&c&lNo Pet Selected'lore: - '&7&oSelect a pet first to roll 'no-pet:slot:10sound:BLAZE_HIT:1:2material:GRAY_DYEname:'&c&lNo Pet Selected'lore: - '&7&oLeft Click to open the pet selector ' - '&c' - '&c&lCLICK HERE'roll-all:slot:16sound:BLAZE_HIT:1:2material:NETHER_STARname:'&c&lClick to roll all boosts'lore: - '&7&oLeft Click to use a Boost Ticket ' - '&7&oand find an amazing boosts for your pet' - '&7' - '&7&oYou have &f&n{amount} &7&otickets left' - '&c' - '&c&lCLICK TO ROLL'requirements:amount:'%rivalpets_currency_boostticket%'needed:1remove-command:boostticket take {player} {amount} -smessage:'&4&l[!] &cYou don''t have enough Boost Tickets.'roll-buff:slot:21sound:BLAZE_HIT:1:2material:PURPLE_DYEname:'󏧇&lClick to roll a Buff Boost'lore: - '&7&oLeft Click to use a Boost Ticket ' - '&7&oand find an amazing boosts for your pet' - '&7' - '&7&oYou have &f&n{amount} &7&otickets left' - '&c' - '&#fa0ade&lCLICK TO ROLL'requirements:amount:'%rivalpets_currency_specialboostticket%'needed:1remove-command:specialboostticket take {player} {amount} -smessage:'&4&l[!] &cYou don''t have enough Special Boost tickets.'roll-experience:slot:23sound:BLAZE_HIT:1:2material:LIGHT_BLUE_DYEname:'Df9e&lClick to roll a Experience boost'lore: - '&7&oLeft Click to use a Boost Ticket ' - '&7&oand find an amazing boosts for your pet' - '&7' - '&7&oYou have &f&n{amount} &7&otickets left' - '&c' - 'cde3&lCLICK TO ROLL'requirements:amount:'%rivalpets_currency_specialboostticket%'needed:1remove-command:specialboostticket take {player} {amount} -smessage:'&4&l[!] &cYou don''t have enough Special Boost tickets.'roll-level:slot:22sound:BLAZE_HIT:1:2material:YELLOW_DYEname:'ϓe06&lClick to roll a Level boost'lore: - '&7&oLeft Click to use a Boost Ticket ' - '&7&oand find an amazing boosts for your pet' - '&7' - '&7&oYou have &f&n{amount} &7&otickets left' - '&c' - '&#d1db07&lCLICK TO ROLL'requirements:amount:'%rivalpets_currency_specialboostticket%'needed:1remove-command:specialboostticket take {player} {amount} -smessage:'&4&l[!] &cYou don''t have enough Special Boost tickets.'Bin-Menu:Inventory:size:54name:'&8&nPet Bin'custom-items:'1':material:BLACK_STAINED_GLASS_PANEname:'&7'slot:0-53items:no-page:material:BARRIERname:'&4&l[!] &cNo Page'lore: - '' - '&7&oNo page found'next-page:slot:50sound:LEVEL_UP:1:2material:TIPPED_ARROWflags:HIDE_ATTRIBUTES:trueHIDE_POTION_EFFECTS:truepotion:type:LUCKextended:falseupgraded:falsename:'&a&lNext Page &2&l-->'lore: - '&7&oNavigate to the next page.' - '&a&oClick to move forward.'last-page:slot:48sound:LEVEL_UP:1:2material:TIPPED_ARROWflags:HIDE_ATTRIBUTES:trueHIDE_POTION_EFFECTS:truepotion:type:INSTANT_HEALextended:falseupgraded:truename:'&4&l<-- &c&lPrevious Page'lore: - '&7&oReturn to the previous page.' - '&c&oClick to move backward.'select-pet:material:RED_DYEnot-selected:material:BARRIERsound:GHAST_FIREBALL:1:1.5name:'&4&l[!] &c&lPlease select a pet'lore: - '&7&oYou have not selected any pets.' - ''no-pets:material:BARRIERsound:GHAST_FIREBALL:1:1.5name:'&4&l[!] &c&lNo Pets'lore: - '&7&oYou do not have any pets that can be converted.' - ''confirm-pet:slot:46sound:LEVEL_UP:1:2material:COMPASSname:'&2&l[!] &a&lConfirm &2&lPet Bin'lore: - '&7&oClick to confirm and convert selected pets into candy!' - '&8┣ &7You have &f{selected-amount} &7pets selected!' - '' - '&eClick to finish action!'quick-bin-pet:slot:52sound:LEVEL_UP:1:2material:CAULDRONname:'&6&l[!] &e&lQuick &6&lBin'lore: - '&7&oConverts all level pets with level 0 into candy!' - '&8┣ &7You have &f{eligible-amount} &7eligible pets!' - '' - '&eClick to finish action!'current-page:slot:49material:CLOCKname:'&e&lInformation'lore: - '&7View the max amount of pets' - '&7you can have Equipped' - '' - ' &6┣ &eEquipped: &f{equipped} &8/ &f{equipped-max} ' - '' - '&e&lINCREASE' - '&6You can purchase extra slots on ' - '&6our store,'Bin-Menu:Virtual:size:54name:'&8&nPet Bin'custom-items:'1':material:LIGHT_GRAY_STAINED_GLASS_PANEname:'&7'slot:0-53'2':material:BLACK_STAINED_GLASS_PANEname:'&7'slot:0-8'3':material:BLACK_STAINED_GLASS_PANEname:'&7'slot:45-53items:no-page:material:BARRIERname:'&4&l[!] &cNo Page'lore: - '' - '&7&oNo page found'next-page:slot:50sound:LEVEL_UP:1:2material:TIPPED_ARROWflags:HIDE_ATTRIBUTES:trueHIDE_POTION_EFFECTS:truepotion:type:LUCKextended:falseupgraded:falsename:'&a&lNext Page &2&l-->'lore: - '&7&oNavigate to the next page.' - '&a&oClick to move forward.'last-page:slot:48sound:LEVEL_UP:1:2material:TIPPED_ARROWflags:HIDE_ATTRIBUTES:trueHIDE_POTION_EFFECTS:truepotion:type:INSTANT_HEALextended:falseupgraded:truename:'&4&l<-- &c&lPrevious Page'lore: - '&7&oReturn to the previous page.' - '&c&oClick to move backward.'select-pet:material:RED_DYEnot-selected:material:BARRIERsound:GHAST_FIREBALL:1:1.5name:'&4&l[!] &c&lPlease select a pet'lore: - '&7&oYou have not selected any pets.' - ''no-pets:material:BARRIERsound:GHAST_FIREBALL:1:1.5name:'&4&l[!] &c&lNo Pets'lore: - '&7&oYou do not have any pets that can be converted.' - ''confirm-pet:slot:46sound:LEVEL_UP:1:2material:COMPASSname:'&2&l[!] &a&lConfirm &2&lPet Bin'lore: - '&7&oClick to confirm and convert selected pets into candy!' - '&8┣ &7You have &f{selected-amount} &7pets selected!' - '' - '&eClick to finish action!'quick-bin-pet:slot:52sound:LEVEL_UP:1:2material:CAULDRONname:'&6&l[!] &e&lQuick &6&lBin'lore: - '&7&oConverts all level pets with level 0 into candy!' - '&8┣ &7You have &f{eligible-amount} &7eligible pets!' - '' - '&eClick to finish action!'Bulk-Delete:size:27name:'&8&nBulk Delete'custom-items:'1':material:BLACK_STAINED_GLASS_PANEname:'&7'slot:0-26tiers:"Common":slot:11material:DIAMONDname:'&7&lCommon Pets'lore: - '&7Delete all pets with the Common Rarity' - ' &f┣ &7Amount: &f{amount}' - '' - '&4&lWarning! &cThis will permanently delete all pets of this tier'"Rare":slot:13material:LIGHT_BLUE_DYEname:'&9&lRare Pets'lore: - '&7Delete all pets with the Rare Rarity' - ' &f┣ &7Amount: &f{amount}' - '' - '&4&lWarning! &cThis will permanently delete all pets of this tier'"Epic":slot:15material:PURPLE_DYEname:'&d&lEpic Pets'lore: - '&7Delete all pets with the Epic Rarity' - ' &f┣ &7Amount: &f{amount}' - '' - '&4&lWarning! &cThis will permanently delete all pets of this tier'Pet-Mastery-Menu:size:27name:'&8&nPet Mastery'items:no-pet:slot:13material:GRAY_DYEname:'&#FF0000&lNo Pet Selected'lore: - '&#A9A9A9&oChoose your faithful companion!' - '' - '&#A9A9A9Left-Click to open the pet selector' - '' - '&#FF0000&lCLICK TO SELECT A PET'mastery-unavailable:material:RED_DYEname:'&c&lPet Mastery'lore: - '󅒐&oUnlock your pet''s true potential!' - '�FFFF' - '󅒐Needed Pet Level: &f{required-level}' - '󅒐Current Mastery Level: &f{level}' - '' - '󅒐Current Bonuses:' - '&#fa0ade• +{buff_boost_percent}% 󏧇Buff Boost ' - 'cde3• +{experience_boost_percent}% Df9eExperience Gain' - '&#d1db07• +{level_boost} ϓe06Level Increase' - '' - '󅒐Next Bonuses:' - '&#fa0ade• +{buff_boost_percent_next}% 󏧇Buff Boost ' - 'cde3• +{experience_boost_percent_next}% Df9eExperience Gain' - '&#d1db07• +{level_boost_next} ϓe06Level Increase' - '' - '&#FF0000&lUNAVALIABLE'mastery-max:material:YELLOW_DYEname:'&c&lPet Mastery'lore: - '󅒐&oUnlock your pet''s true potential!' - '�FFFF' - '󅒐Needed Pet Level: &f{required-level}' - '󅒐Current Mastery Level: &f{level}' - '' - '󅒐Current Bonuses:' - '&#fa0ade• +{buff_boost_percent}% 󏧇Buff Boost ' - 'cde3• +{experience_boost_percent}% Df9eExperience Gain' - '&#d1db07• +{level_boost}% ϓe06Level Increase' - '' - '󅒐Next Bonuses:' - '&#fa0ade• +{buff_boost_percent_next}% 󏧇Buff Boost ' - 'cde3• +{experience_boost_percent_next}% Df9eExperience Gain' - '&#d1db07• +{level_boost_next} ϓe06Level Increase' - '' - '&#FF0000&lMAX LEVEL'mastery:slot:14material:LIME_DYEname:'&c&lPet Mastery'lore: - '󅒐&oUnlock your pet''s true potential!' - '�FFFF' - '󅒐Needed Pet Level: &f{required-level}' - '󅒐Current Mastery Level: &f{level}' - '' - '󅒐Current Bonuses:' - '&#fa0ade• +{buff_boost_percent}% 󏧇Buff Boost' - 'cde3• +{experience_boost_percent}% Df9eExperience Gain' - '&#d1db07• +{level_boost}% ϓe06Level Increase' - '' - '󅒐Next Bonuses:' - '&#fa0ade• +{buff_boost_percent_next}% 󏧇Buff Boost ' - 'cde3• +{experience_boost_percent_next}% Df9eExperience Gain' - '&#d1db07• +{level_boost_next} ϓe06Level Increase' - '' - '&#FF0000&lCLICK TO PRESTIGE THE PET'mastery-no-pet:material:GRAY_DYEname:'&c&lPet Mastery'lore: - '󅒐&oSelect an pet to preview its avaliable' - '󅒐&omastery boosts' - ''custom-items:'1':material:BLACK_STAINED_GLASS_PANEname:'&7'slot:0-26'0':material:BOOKname:'&#FFD700&lPet Mastery Guide'lore: - '&#E6E6E6&oMaster the art of pet training!' - '' - '&#ADD8E6What is Pet Mastery?' - '&#E6E6E6Pet Mastery is a system that allows' - '&#E6E6E6you to enhance your pet''s abilities' - '&#E6E6E6through dedicated training and care.' - '' - '&#ADD8E6How it works:' - '&#E6E6E61. Earn xp' - '&#E6E6E62. Level up your pet' - '&#E6E6E63. open Mastery and prestige your pet' - '' - '&#ADD8E6Benefits:' - '&#E6E6E6• Increased level limits' - '&#E6E6E6• Faster pet experience gain' - '&#E6E6E6• Increased buff boosts' - '' - '&#FFD700&lStart your mastery journey today!'slot:12Pet-Preview-Menu:size:27display-slots: - 11 - 12 - 13 - 14 - 15 - 16name:'&8&n{player}''s Pets'custom-items:'1':material:BLACK_STAINED_GLASS_PANEname:'&7'slot:0-26items:slot-locked:material:BARRIERname:'&4&l[!] &cLocked Slot'lore: - '&c&o{player} has this slot locked'slot-unlocked:material:LIME_STAINED_GLASS_PANEname:'&2&l[!] &aUnlocked Slot'lore: - '&a&o{player} has this slot unlocked'Pet-Enhancements-Menu:size:36name:'&8&nPet Enhancements'spin-slots: - 3 - 4 - 5 - 12 - 14 - 21 - 22 - 23requirements:amount:'%rivalpets_currency_enhancementticket%'needed:1remove-command:enhancementticket take {player} {amount} -smessage:'&4&l[!] &cYou don''t have enough enhancement tickets.'items:roll:slot:15sound:BLAZE_HIT:1:2material:GRAY_DYEname:'&c&lNo Pet Selected'lore: - '&7&oLeft Click to use a Enchancement Ticket ' - '&7&oand find an amazing Enchancement for your pet' - '&7' - '&7&oYou have &f&n{amount} &7&otickets left' - '&c' - '&c&lCLICK TO ROLL'no-pet:slot:13sound:BLAZE_HIT:1:2material:GRAY_DYEname:'&c&lNo Pet Selected'lore: - '&7&oLeft Click to open the pet selector ' - '&c' - '&c&lCLICK HERE'preview:slot:11material:EMERALDname:'&3&lPet Enhancements'lore: - '&7&oLeft Click to view all of the possible pet ' - '&7&oenhancements, their buffs and chances to obtain them' - '&c' - '&b&lCLICK HERE ' - '&3Click to preview'not-enough:material:BARRIERsound:BLAZE_HIT:1:2name:'&4&lNo Credits'lore: - '&c&oYou do not have enough credits' - '&c&opurchase more on' - '&c'custom-items:'1':material:BLACK_STAINED_GLASS_PANEname:'&7'slot: