```yamlSettings:pet-identifier:"IronMan"# ID of petpet-name:'&c&lIron Man Pet'# Name of petpet-tier:'Common'# Tier of pet, used for bulk delete pet-type: ACTION # or ACTIVATION, ACTION will give EXP when a buff event is triggered, ACTION will give when activated
owner-locked:true# Locks the pet to the player it was given tocooldown:0# Cooldown between activating the petallow-same-type:false# Allows the same type of pet to be activated at onceblacklist: [] # Blocks activation of these pets while this pet is activeLore-Addon:equipped: - '&e&lEQUIPPED' - '&6Click to unequip this pet'unequipped: - '&7&lCLICK HERE' - '&fClick to equip this pet'selected-deletion: - '&4&lSELECTED FOR DELETION' - '&cClick the confirm button to delete'bin-selected: - '&4&lSELECTED FOR BIN' - '&cClick the confirm button to convert to candy'bin-select: - '&7&lCLICK HERE' - '&fClick to select this pet'fusion-select: - '&7&lCLICK HERE' - '&fClick to select this pet'fusion-selected: - '&4&lSELECTED FOR FUSION' - '&cClick the confirm button to fuse these pets'inventory-deposit: - '&a&lRIGHT CLICK TO DEPOSIT' - '&7Right click to deposit this pet to storage!'pet-active: - '&a&lPET ACTIVE' - '&7Right click to deactivate this pet!'pet-inactive: - '&c&lPET INACTIVE' - '&7Right click to activate this pet!'pet-cooldown: - '&c&lPET COOLDOWN' - '&7This pet is on cooldown!'Pet-Levels:max-level:100# The max level the pet can reach not including enchantsxp-base:50# Base XP needed for level up xp-increase: 3000 # Increase of xp needed per pet level for level up math for max level xp is xp-base + xp-base * xp-increase
Pet-Display:name:'&c&lIron Man Pet &7[Lvl. {level}]'name-visiblity:trueswing-hand:truemodel-engine:example_modeloffSet:0.0equipment:chestplate:material:LEATHER_CHESTPLATEcolor:red:252green:28blue:3helmet:material:PLAYER_HEAD base64: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvY2I1M2I5ODJiNDlkYjljYWI4OTY2MzQyNmVjMGI3YjJhYjBkNjM4OTY0ZjkwY2MzYjYzOTE5MGRiNGY3ZmMxYyJ9fX0='
hand:material:DIAMOND_SWORDglow:truePet-Bin:candies:'CommonCandy':chance:0.01amount:1-3message:value:'&3&lPet Bin &8┣ &bYou have found &f{amount} &7&lCommon Pet Candy!'sound:'LEVEL_UP:1:2''RareCandy':chance:0.001amount:1-2message:value:'&3&lPet Bin &8┣ &bYou have found &f{amount} &b&lRare Pet Candy!'sound:'LEVEL_UP:1:2'Pet-Experience:activation:xp:2xp-increase:0.5#BuffType:multiplier:multiplier-increase:xp:xp-increaseBuffs: - 'rivalharvesterhoes-enchant-essencepouch:0.05:0.01:2:0.2'Inventory-Type:material:PLAYER_HEAD base64: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvY2I1M2I5ODJiNDlkYjljYWI4OTY2MzQyNmVjMGI3YjJhYjBkNjM4OTY0ZjkwY2MzYjYzOTE5MGRiNGY3ZmMxYyJ9fX0="
name:'&c&lIron Man &4&lPet &7[Lvl. {level}]'lore: - "&8Common Rarity" - "" - "&7Owner: &f{owner}" - "" - "&c&lAbility" - " &7┣ Increase the chance of essence pouch" - " &7you gain by &a{boost-percent:rivalharvesterhoes-enchant-essencepouch}%" - "" - "&4&lInformation" - " &7┣ Level: &f{level} &8/ &f{max-level}" - " &7┣ Experience: &a{exp} &8/ &c{max-exp}" - " &7┣ {progress-bar} &a{percent}%" - " &7┣ &7Tier: &fCommon" - " "Fusion-Settings:fusion-enabled:false#If the pets can be fusedkeep-level:true# Keeps highest level between the two petsfuse-into:'RareIronMan'# Pet type it will be fused into Make sure it exists or some bad things will happenbroadcast:message:value:'&3&lRival&f&lPets &8➛ &3{player} &bhas fused two pets into &9&lRare Tier&b!'sound:'LEVEL_UP:1:2'message:message:value:'&3&lRival&f&lPets &8➛ &bYou have fused two {pet}''s into &9&lRare Tier&b!'sound:'UI_TOAST_CHALLENGE_COMPLETE:0.3:2'Messages:pet-leveled-up:message:"&2&l[&a&l!&2&l] &aYour &2{pet} &ahas levelled up to &7[Lvl. {level}]"sound:'UI_TOAST_CHALLENGE_COMPLETE:0.3:2'pet-given:message:"&2&l[&a&l!&2&l] &aYou have given &f{player} &2{pet} &apet."sound:'LEVEL_UP:1:2'pet-received:message:"&2&l[&a&l!&2&l] &aYou have been given a &2{pet} &apet."sound:'LEVEL_UP:1:2'pet-activated:message:"&2&l[&a&l!&2&l] &aYou have activated your &2{pet} &apet."sound:'LEVEL_UP:1:2'pet-deactivated:message:"&2&l[&a&l!&2&l] &aYou have deactivated your &2{pet} &apet."sound:'GHAST_FIREBALL:1:1.5'pet-deposit:message:"&2&l[&a&l!&2&l] &aYou have deposited &2{pet} &apet to your storage."sound:'LEVEL_UP:1:2'pet-withdraw:message:"&2&l[&a&l!&2&l] &aYou have withdrawn a &2{pet} &apet."sound:'ITEM_PICKUP:2:1'owner-locked-deposit:message:"&c&l[&4&l!&c&l] &cYou are not the owner of this pet!."sound:'GHAST_FIREBALL:1:1.5'owner-locked:message:'&4&l[!] &cYou can''t activate this pet as you are &4&lNOT &cthe owner of it!'sound:'GHAST_FIREBALL:1:1.5'blacklist:message:"&c&l[&4&l!&c&l] &cYou can''t activate {current-pet} until you disable {other-pet}!."sound:'GHAST_FIREBALL:1:1.5'```
/pet buffs - Display all currently available buff types
Pet Display
Plugin has 3 different modes, MODE-1 is the default displays pets in a circle, MODE-2 is similar to the default one with some pets location changes, MODE-3 is a Hypixel like pet display, you will have to limit the pet slots to 1
display-mode:MODE-1 MODE-2 or MODE-3
Pet-Display:name:'&d&lDragon Pet &7[Lvl. {level}]'name-visiblity:true# Toggle the name display of the petswing-hand:true# Swing the hand when holding the same material type as in hand:small:true# By default set to false, if true the pet size will increaseoffSet:0.0# Adds an offset to the name of the pet when using a big custom model or modelenginemodel-engine:none# You can set a modelengine model, if set equipment below is ignoredequipment:helmet:# chestplate:, leggings:, boots:, off-hand: can also be setmaterial:PLAYER_HEAD base64: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvZmMwODQ3NjVjNjJjMDNmMzQ3OWU3NTkyMDhjYTFlN2ZhOTlmNjc0ZDBjOGJlNzhhM2YxMGY1YjFlODY2Y2EyNCJ9fX0='
Pet Commands
You can make pets execute commands based on vanilla buffs: block-break, mob-kill, fish-catch
Commands:"block-break-exact-stone": use-chance: true # when true it will use the chance: below and when it procs it will pick a random command based on the chance (the number after ; is the chance) or if false it will check chances below each time until it procs one of them
chance:10commands: - 'eco give %player% 1000;10' - 'eco give %player% 1000;20' - 'eco give %player% 1000;30'
Animated Display Names
Pet-Display:name:'&c&lIron Man Pet &7[Lvl. {level}]'name-visiblity:trueframe-interval:3# Time in ticks before next frame is selected, each line is a frame that's going to be displayedanimated-name: - "&b&lR" - "&b&lR" - "&b&lRi" - "&b&lRiv" - "&b&lRival" - "&f&lRival" - "&b&lRival" - "&b&lRiva" - "&b&lRiv" - "&b&lRi" - "&b&lR"